Project team presents at the Institute of Australian Geographers conference

The project team ran a double session at the Institute of Australian Geographers conference in Perth 4-7 July on “Worlds of Work”. The sessions showcased some of the most cutting edge geographical work being done on work and labour.

Worlds of work in the Australian gig economy: labour geographies of participation and exclusion—Dr Robyn Mayes, Queensland University of Technology 

Labour agency and power resources theory in the context of fragmented work: understanding the agentic potential of gig workers—Dr Tom Barratt, University of Western Australia 

Circling back to equity: Citizen- ownership and workforce development approaches to circular economy labour—Lachlan Burke, Monash University 

The place-based work of global circulation: maritime workers and transverse agency at the seaport—Dr Andrew Warren, University of Wollongong 

The politics of flexibility: desensitisation and temporalities of flexible work arrangements—Elisabetta Crovara, University of Melbourne 

Reflections from the office: How the digital remote working revolution is transforming Australian Home—Dr Elizabeth Straughan, University of Melbourne

Emotional geographies of pandemic creative work: on islanding as a vernacular response to crisis—Dr Chris Brennan-Horley, University of Wollongong 

Contact tracers: Spaces of care and control—Dr Philippa Chandler, University of Melbourne
